(He is very handsome, but way too creepy 😰)

Written by Authoress Ti Fe 💞📚

               ❗ CHAPTER 5❗

                      💥 NIKLAUS 💥

I moved the flask to my mouth again and when I was about to sip, I noticed the flask was empty.

"Shit. I am hungry." I mumbled looking around. I hated it when I get hungry because I always go wild.

"I need to get out of here." I thought standing you quickly. 

I headed out of the office and then my sensory organs began to work very fast. I could hear everything. To the slightest sound of the human's breathing.

I began to walk very fast and I noticed the workers were beginning to look at me suspiciously. They noticed my walking pace wasn't normal.

I could hear how the blood pumped out of their chests and if I waited for a second, I would pounce on anyone of them.

I got to a turning and Immediately I turned, I hit someone very hard that whatsoever he or she was carrying crashed to the floor.

"Mr Niklaus." I heard a familiar voice call. It was Allison.

I ignored her and got to my car. I hopped in and zoomed out of the company as soon as I could. I headed straight to the woods where I could find an animal I could feed on to quench my taste for the mean time.

I drove recklessly down to the woods and then packed the car on the path after leaving a reasonable distance between me and the road.

Immediately I hopped down, I strained my ears to catch any sounds made from an animal, so I could feed on it.

Soon my ears caught one, and in the twinkle of an eye I dashed to where the animal was, staying a little far so as not to chance it off.

I saw the deer eating, and I thought it will be the best time to strike. As soon as I dashed to where it was, someone pushed me back and I was stopped.

The deer took to it's heels as I tried to regain my balance. I looked around to see who ear me and let my prey go, when someone walked out of the Shadows.

"Hey friend." He said and immediately I got who was talking. It was my friend Tyler. 

"Why did you let my food escape?" I asked angrily as the veins in my eyes began to reveal itself.

"Because that isn't what you supposed to drink Niklaus. We are Vampires, we take human blood, not that of deers." He said.

"Well thank you for that, but I don't take human blood anymore. So can you let me hunt in peace?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I have noticed how weak you are Niklaus. And I know you drink human blood from stolen blood banks. But can it ever be so norishing and desiring as this?" He asked dashing away and coming back with a man in his hand his head dangling and blood dripping out of his neck.

"Tlyer what are you doing? Why did you kill him?" I asked as my hunger grew unspeakably.

"Because his life means nothing to me. Poor human." He said moving close to me and I moved back.

"Don't." I said with my fangs out already. The saint was so strong that I wanted a taste, at least little.

"You are denying yourself of what you really are. Imagine a 300 years old vampire almost crashing to the ground because his friend hit him. Don't you think that is a shame?"

"You need to stop caring about this people and let's go back to the way we were. How we scared the hell out of these humans, how we fed on them and became strong." He said and I looked at the dead man in his hand.

My hunger was at his peak already and before I knew it, I dipped my fans into his bleeding neck and began to draw every drop of blood.

It felt so good, it was fresh and tasty. Nothing compared to the blood bags I store in the fridge.

I was at the edge of draining the last pant of blood in him when I restrained myself and stopped. I looked at Tyler and I saw him grinning happily.

"Come with me Niklaus. Let's go back to the wat things were. We were unstoppable together." He said and I cleaned my bloody mouth.

"No thank you. I have a job to attend to. And you dispose the body properly." I said and dashed to my car, I got there and I saw him in front of me again with the body.

"Or I can just leave him here for the cops to find." He said smriking.

"You wouldn't do that." I said hopping into the car.

"You know I can." He said and I zoomed off without looking back. I crossed the line today, I tasted human blood from the source. 

Something I have been avoiding over a century now. I just hope I would be able to manage with the humans surrounding me at the company. Especially Allison.

I drove back to the company as soon as I can. Feeling much better after drinking that human blood. 

But knowing Tyler was in town was my greatest fear. He would do anything to make me come back to been his ruthless friend and I can't do that now.

I knew me feeling better was temporary, but I could still manage till I got home. And for the human, I just hope Tyler does the right thing.

I am not even in the mood for his troubles. I will speak some senses into his thick skull later. But now....

I owe Allison an apology. 

I got to the company and drove Into the compound packing my car at the designated area. I climbed down, but before then I checked to see if I had blood stains on my shirt, but I didn't.

I fed on him quite well.

I got off the car and walked into the company breathing out heavily. I felt the eyes of the workers on me and I could even hear their murmurings.

"What happened to him? Why did he rush out that way?" I heard them ask themselves but I ignored them acting like nothing ever happened.

I got to my office and immediately Allison sighted me she walked up to me.

"Mr Niklaus, how are you feeling? Are you okay?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes I am fine. I am sorry for the other time, I was in a rush." I said and she nodded.

"Yes you were. My shoulders still hurt from the hitting." She said wincing a little.

"Oh my .. I am so sorry, can I see it?" I asked and she nodded but they she looked at me somehow.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What's the stuff at the tip of your hair? It's red in Color." She said and my eyes widened.

"Maybe I didn't feed well afterall." I thought .

"No one. This must be embarrassing. It's the sause I used in cooking." I lied.

"So you rushed home to cook?" She said in Amusement and I nodded grinning.

"Let me help you." She said reaching for my hair and I stopped her.

"You don't need to Allison. I will do it myself, people are watching." I said and she nodded smiling. I headed into the office and shut the door.

"That was so close." 


This new character 🥵🥵🥵

That was truly close, hmmmm... 

Niklaus drank human blood from the source, risky 😓😓😓😓

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