RAPED BY SEVEN(By Alfred Obiora)Episode 10

πŸ”žπŸŒΉπŸ”žRAPED BY SEVEN(By Alfred Obioma)πŸ”žπŸŒΉπŸ”ž


Episode πŸ”Ÿ

While all the discussions was going on, one of the nurses that was about coming to get her things ready for her to be discharged stood at the door and listened to all their conversation...

Eric was about leaving after their discussion when he accosted the nurse by the door, she's been standing there listening to all they said. She then walked in to get Stephanie ready for discharge.

While she was getting her things ready, she Stephnie asked if she heard her conversation with Eric...

Stephanie: "Nurse".

Nurse: "Yes aunty".

Stephanie: "How long have you been standing by the door, seems you heard my discussion with my friend".

Nurse: "Yes I did, I heard everything you guys discussed and I also heard when you narrated your odeals to the doctor. How you were RAPED BY SEVEN. I feel for you, I can imagine what it was to be raped as a virgin. Whoever arranged for the rape must be heartless. And the woman I heard you call your aunt is one very dangerous woman everyone knows very well in this town. Highly connected with prominent men and women in the society. Including some top government personnel. You guys have to be really careful with your plans, because that woman that I know is deadly".

Stephanie: "I have heard such as well, I can't let my aunt go away with this, she actually arranged the rape and the guy you heard me discussing with is one among those that were arranged to rape me. He is my aunt's boyfriend, but he refused to join in the rape because he heard me pleaded with them not to do it, because I was a virgin at the time. They came eight in number, but he refused joining in the rape, so I was RAPED BY SEVEN".

Nurse: "Hmmmm! If your aunty arranged for you to be gang raped, then she can kill you. This is pure wickedness. I even learnt she used most girls that have worked for her to gain more fame and popularity and even make more wealth. She works hand in hand with some men in government to use most of those girls for power and fame. Most of them have died in this hospital as a result of internal bleeding which after running series of tests, the course of the bleeding will not be discovered".

Stephanie: "I know that this continuous bleeding I keep having is not normal, something is definitely wrong". 

Nurse: "My dear, you just have to be very prayerful. Because it is against the ethics of my profession to tell you if it is normal or not. The doctor alone reserves the right to do so, please, let me get your things together". 

Stephanie: "Nurse, are you sure I will survive this?"


Stephanie: "Nurse, you didn't say anything". 

Nurse: "The doctor will tell you what to do when he comes to discharge you. But you have to be very prayerful". 

the nurse gathered all her belongings and went out to get the doctor. Few minutes later, the doctor arrived. 

Doctor: (Ran some checks on her). "My dear, you are good to go. But remember all I told you, no hard labour for now until you are fully recovered. In any case you notice the bleeding, come back to the hospital as soon as you can. Because you have lost so much blood as a result of the rape and we have done our best to get you stabilized by transfusing so much blood to your body system".

Stephanie: "Doctor, are you sure I will survive this? I'm just scared, my body system has not been what it used to be since after I was raped". 

Doctor: (ANSWERED RELUCTANTLY). "Sure you will survive it, there's nothing to fear. LIFE and DEATH are in the hands of God, so you have to be very prayerful. God has the final say whether you will survive it or not but I know you will because we have done our best". 

The words of the doctor gave Stephanie so much concern, but she was discharged later that evening and went home straight and not to the restaurant. She waited outside until the aunt was back from the restaurant late at night and that was when she got inside. 

The next morning being Thursday, the aunt forced her to do some chores which she couldn't refuse and the bleeding started again. She left everything and rushed back to the hospital and was readmitted again. She called Eric to come back to the hospital in order for her to tell him how they can gain access to the house since she might not be around when they will come for the operation. 

Eric arrived about an hour later in company of about seven of the guys that will be part of the mission, when they came and saw the condition of Stephnie, the guys had pity on her and vowed to take a dangerous revenge on Madam Bella and her daughters..... The next day was the Friday for the operation. 

To be continued....... 

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