Episode 1⃣2⃣
Doctor: "We are doing all we can to revive her, she's still in coma though. But we hope she will be restored back to life".
While the doctor walked towards his car, a nurse ran after him calling...
Nurse: "Doctor! Doctor!! Doctor!!!....
The doctor turned around to know What it was...
Doctor: "What is it nurse Ibinabo?"
Nurse: "Your attention is needed sir, the lady that was just brought is........"
She ran back as the doctor ran after her as fast as he could. Eric and Desmond followed them closely, while the other guys stood outside waiting to know what actually happened.
It was another several hours of wait as the doctors that were taking care of her spent almost all day locked in the emergency room trying to restore her back to life.
All the doctors and nurses that came out at intervals didn't say a word to Eric and Desmond even when they asked to know the situation of things.
It was 2am Friday early morning, Desmond looked exhausted having spent all day with Eric and others at the hospital. He decided to drive home because he must be at work first thing the next morning as a banker.
Desmond: (TO ERIC): "I think I should drive home now. Whatever the case is, don't hesitate to let me know".
Eric: "It's ok bro, do you need some of the guys to accompany you?"
Desmond: "No, don't worry about that. I will be fine, I am here with my ID Card".
Eric: "Alright brother, drive safe".
Desmond: "Thank you Eric, you are a very nice guy and God will reward you for your good deeds".
Eric: "Amen ooo, and reward you as well. You are a nice guy too. Please, be careful as you drive home".
Desmond: "I will, call me if there's any new development".
Eric: "I sure will do so".
Eric walked him to his car alongside some of the guys as he drove off.
Eric with his friends waited all night for a word from the doctors, but none was forth coming.
They waited into the morning until 4pm the Friday evening, no one said anything to them and they must act that night. So Eric called his friends together to brief them on how to gain access to the house because he had to stay back and know how it is going with Stephanie.
Eric: (TO THE GUYS) "We have all seen how things are panning out, and we must act tonight. According to what she told me, they live at no 5 Cross Street. The gate to house is dark blue in color. But she said we should use the small gate at the back of the house. That one is not that hard to force open and they hardly use it. So she unbolted it when she got home yesterday before she was rushed back to the hospital. The door at the back once you have entered the compound is the kitchen door. Force it open, the door adjacent to it is Madam Bella's room and the one opposite is that of her daughters. Please guys, trade with caution, you must not make any mistakes".
One of the guys raised a very vital point which was adhered to.
Guy: "Eric, don't you think it would be good if you follow us and give us direction on what to do. You can leave as soon as we have gained access into the house?"
Another: "I think that's a brilliant idea, or better still. Some of us should drink at her restaurant tonight while others hang around her house to know when they will be back home and possibly follow them in as they open the gate at gun point.
Eric: "This is a brilliant idea, and we have to act base on this. Guys, are we together!"
They all echoed yes in affirmation...
Eric: "In that case, I don't have to go with you guys since this idea is perfect. I just have to be around to know what's up with Stephanie".
Samuel: "It's ok Eric, we wish her a quick recovery".
Eric: "Get others informed of the plans Samuel and please, tell them it is business and not pleasure. Tell them the condition the lady is into that her life is being threatened as a result of what we all did to her. We can't afford to mess up".
Samuel: "We will trade with caution and I will let them know what her condition is like".
Eric sighted one of the doctors coming out and he rushed to him....
Eric: "Doctor, how is she?"
The doctor still didn't give him any response, but wore a very worried face. Rather he asked....
Doctor: "Are you her relative?"
Eric: "Not really, just a family friend".
Doctor: "We will need to see any of her direct relative".
The doctor then left him and walked away.....
Eric quickly put a call across to Desmond to come as soon as he can to come and stand in as Stephanie's relative. It was not a pleasant news when Desmond arrived and the guys had gone for the operation.....
To be continued by 8:30pm tonight