RAPED BY SEVEN(By Alfred Obiora)Episode 4

πŸ”žπŸŒΉπŸ”žRAPED BY SEVEN(By Alfred Obioma)πŸ”žπŸŒΉπŸ”ž


Episode 4⃣

Guy: Try and call me, I will explain everything to you. You are not safe living with your aunty....

She collected the piece of paper from him without saying anything, then he left her......

She got home, cleaned herself up and went to the nearby pharmaceutical store to get some pain relief medicine. She couldn't summon the courage to tell the pharmacist what exactly happened, she only told him that she needed some pain killers. She was given the pain killer and she left.

She was told by her aunt not to take too long cleaning herself up. That she should really return back to the restaurant in less than an hour. She hurried whatever it was she did and went back to the restaurant. 

On her way back to the restaurant, she decided to put a call across to the guy that told her to call him. She went to a recharge card vendor and pleaded with him to spare her a minute to make a call that she just lost her phone and will pay for the call. The vendor gave her his phone then she dialed the number.... 

Guy: (Answering the phone): "Hello, whose this??"

Stephanie: "This is Stephanie, the lady you gave your number few minutes ago. I called to thank you for the information you gave me and plead with you to avail me more if there is any".

Guy: "I am your aunt's boyfriend, she told me to help her arrange some guys to rape you. That you are evil, she said you have come to take over her luck and that of her children....."

Stephanie: "Did she tell you what exactly I did?"

Guy: "She said you have snatched most of her daughters' boyfriends and have been stealing her money. I have been to the restaurant on several occasions, I know you may not place my face too well. But I've seen how hardworking, truthful and honest you are. I've given you money once, though it was night, you may not recognize me again. But I felt bad that I had to even listen to her and arrange my guys for the rape. I felt more bad when you pleaded and said you were a virgin, which shows you have been a very responsible lady. There was little or nothing I could do to stop them, rather I opted out not to partake in the rape. But I promise to help you get justice, I won't allow your aunt go unpunished". 

Stephanie: (Sobs quietly and bitterly) "I thank you so much, God will bless you. I know that I have no one to fight for me, but my God will do so. But please, do not let her know about this conversation". 

Guy: "I should be the one saying that to you, just keep this a secret between us, try and call me as often as you can let me update on the plans I have". 

Stephanie: "It's ok, I will do so. Just that she doesn't allow me go out at all, but I will try whenever I have the opportunity". 

Guy: "It's ok, just try and get some pain relief drugs and some antibiotics and take. If possible, some drugs to wash off pregnancy".

Stephanie: "I have taken some pain killer and I'll do as you've just said. Thank you so much, God bless you". 

She ended the call and gave the vendor his phone. She gave him N500 for the call, but the vendor refused the money and asked her to go out of pity hearing the conversation that ensued and how she sobbed bitterly while on call. She thanked him and made her way to the restaurant. 

She was welcomed with a thunderous slap when she got to the restaurant. Not minding the number of customers, her aunt landed her a dirty slap that fell her to the ground. Most of the customers were not happy with what they saw, she was blamed for hitting her that hard. She remained on the ground crying and was truly in pains as a result of the rape..... 

It was at that spot she decided not to be soft again, but act on what she heard from the aunt's boyfriend and she acted dangerously in silence...... 

To be continued..... 

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