RAPED BY SEVEN(By Alfred Obiora)Episode 8

πŸ”žπŸŒΉπŸ”žRAPED BY SEVEN(By Alfred Obioma)πŸ”žπŸŒΉπŸ”ž


Episode 8⃣

Stephanie: "Not exactly, the things you bought are still there. I've not used them much". 

Madam Bella walked in while they were still talking.... 

She was surprised to see Eric and Desmond at the hospital, even though Desmond was there when she collapsed, but she (Bella) had thought he only played a good Samaritan role by driving her to the hospital. 

Bella: (Greeted them reluctantly). "Oh, you guys are here". 

Desmond: "Yes, we are here and have always been here from day one". 

Bella: "I see, maybe one of you did settle her bills". 

Desmond: "Yes, I settled all her bills and I'm ready to take her home from here. Ain't you ashamed of yourself? Your late sister's daughter collapsed in your very eyes working for you and you showed no little or no concern. I was told that you just showed up today since she was brought here, that is very heartless of you. Just pray you live long to take care of your daughters, if not so, someone else will do to them what you have done to your niece"

Eric: "She doesn't even need to die, but she will be alive to witness same pains she made this poor lady go through as a result of her envy and wickedness towards her. Wicked woman". 

Bella was surprised at Eric's comments.

Bella: (expressing surprise). "Eric, even you my boyfriend, I hope you have not been feeding her with your usual lies to tarnish my image before her? "

Eric: "Did I hear you say image? Do you still have any image left? Anyways, I was on my way to your restaurant when I saw Eric driving out. I asked why he was leaving so soon and he told me he was on his way to the clinic to see Stephanie that she isn't feeling too well, so I decided to join him. I was surprised to hear she's been here for over a week now, yet I've been coming to your restaurant and you never said anything like that. Even when I asked after her, you told me she was doing some chores in the house. Is there any act of wickedness worst than that? I don't know what lies you think I've been feeding her with, I just walked in with Desmond few minutes ago before you came in".

Bella: "How are you doing my dear? (she asked Stephanie).

Stephanie: "I am getting better by God's grace. 

Bella: "Is there anything you need? Hope you have been able to eat something?"

Stephanie: "Yes I have aunty".

Desmond: "Steph, we shall be going now, but make sure you take your medications as prescribed by the doctor. You will be fine okay?"

Stephanie: "Thank you very much sir, I can't thank you enough for your kindness towards me". 

Desmond: "All thanks to God almighty, the most important thing is to see you get back stronger on your feet again. (He turned to Madam Bella), please can I have a word with you outside?".

Bella: "It's ok Des".

Desmond: (To Eric) "I will be in the car, just give me few minutes let me talk with Madam Bella". 

Eric: "It's ok bro, call me when you are done".

Desmond and Bella went out to give Eric and Stephanie time to talk, although Desmond was not aware of their plans. But it was timely, to allow them chance to talk without Bella interfering. 

Eric: "Your aunt is a very deadly woman, most girls that have worked for her died mysteriously in her restaurant. I didn't want to tell you this, but seeing how unrepentant she remained towards you despite all she has done, I have to be more open to you. I have participated actively in most of the death of her workers. Some of them were poisoned, some raped to death. She uses their luck to grow her business, but I don't want to be part of that anymore. Whatever we are doing, we must be fast about it. Seeing me with you will make her start planning hers". 

Stephanie: "I get you Eric, we have to act fast. But I simply can't understand why I continue to feel like I'm going to die. Most times I see dead people in my dreams and my aunt would always appear in my dreams hitting me on my stomach and each night she hits me in the dream, I wake up bleeding in real life. I just feel like I'm losing my life". 

Eric: "Stop talking like this all the time, I've told you nothing is going to happen to you. All you have to do now is tell me how to gain access to your aunt's apartment, you mustn't wait until you are discharged. The earlier we take action, the better for all of us. I know what I'm talking about, your aunt is a hard nut to crack, she's not an easy woman at all".

Stephanie: "It's ok Eric, I will tell you how to gain access to her house".

It was at this spot that Madam Bella walked in again, while Desmond called on Eric from outside the ward. Eric left giving Madam Bella a hug and a peck in order not to make her become suspicious of anything. 

Bella: (To Stephanie) "I hope you have not been discussing with anyone?"

Stephanie: (Struggled to speak) "No aunty, I don't even have the strength to talk. No one have been saying anything to me. Eric and Desmond have been discussing their clubs Manchester United and Chelsea since they came in here". 

Bella: "Better not discuss with anyone, because they are all bunch of gossips. When did the doctor say you are leaving?"

Stephanie: "Maybe you go to his office and ask him, I don't know yet". 

Madam Bella stood up and left..... 

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