The black Angels Episode 3

The Black
(In love with a demi god)

Episode 3

Javan's Pov:
I sat on the edge of the bed and stared into her pretty face as she slept so innocently.

She was so beautiful and lovely shaped. She was definitely gonna taste good down there.

I wonder why she had been running carelessly on the road. Thank the seven seas I've been able to heal her.
She'll be awake any moment from now.
Olivia's Pov:
I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange place. My head was muzzy as I tried to recall what had happened.

The last I could remember - I was running from home and was trying to cross the road when a car ran over me.

I looked around and noticed I was on a big bed in a spacious dazzling room.

But how did I get here? And how come I can't find any mark or injury on my body as a result of the accident? How come I'm not feeling any pains at all?

I sat up, wondering.

I was about leaving the bed when the door opened and a young handsome fellow walked in, holding a tray of food.

Oh my! He was so handsome!

Was he the one that brought me here?

He fixed his eyes on me as he came towards me on the bed and I also found myself frozen at the spot.

"You're awake" he said as he dropped the tray on the bed in front of me and sat on the edge.

"Who are you?" I asked instead, giving him a beady look.

"Well, I'm the guy who knocked you down when you were running carelessly on the road. And I brought you to my place to take care of you" he replied and I flinched.

"Huh? Really?" I asked.
" come I'm not feeling any pains? Or injury?"

"You should go ahead and eat. You need food". He said as he stood up and left the room.

Like seriously? What the hell?

I looked around the room again, bedazzled.

It was so big and beautiful.

I looked at the tray of food in front of me and opened it.

Holy Christ!

It was damn rich!!!


I set out to work immediately, devouring the food without mercy.

This wasn't a dream this time around. I couldn't remember the last time I had something this nice to eat.

Oh! This guy is such a savior.

Suddenly, the door opened and he came in again, holding an empty glass and a bottle of wine.

I reduced the pace at which I was munching on the food, realizing I had to show a little courtesy.

But I was so hungry and didn't even realize when I started rushing the food again.

"Why were you running?" He asked as he opened the bottle of wine and decanted some into the glass.

"Um...I was running away from home" I replied and licked the stew on my finger.

He drank from the glass before looking at me.

"You were running away from home? Why?" He asked, sounding curious.

"Well, I slapped my step sister and her mother was going to kill me for it. So, I had to run away at the moment" I replied and took in a heavy bite of meat.

He scoffed and looked down at the floor.

"That's so pathetic" I heard him mumble.


Well, I decided not to pay any more attention to him and just focus on the meal. He was actually distracting me.

I only get to eat such meal once in a pink moon.

"So, what's your name?" He asked after a brief pause.

"Olivia?", I replied in a question.

Immediately, a call came into his phone and he walked out of the room to answer it.

Thank goodness.

I used my both hands in devouring the big turkey meat.

Oh God! This was like a dream come true for me. I wish I had this kind of life - having to eat good food everyday.

I looked through the window and...damn! It was so dark already. I needed to get home. I can't sleep In a stranger's house.

I cracked the bones and made sure the plate was completely clean before leaving the bed.

How do I wash my hands?

Urgh! No need for that.

I just wiped the hands on my dress and went ahead to open the door. I needed to leave as soon as possible so my punishment doesn't get worst at home.

I opened the door and stepped out of the room. I paused when I got outside and looked left and right.

OMG! I'm definitely in a paradise!

What the hell is this place? It's so huge.

I didn't even know which way to go. And where was the handsome young guy??

I decided to go left and came in front of two passages again.

I went right this time around and continued walking along the quiet passage.

I noticed there was barely any rooms on this passage.

But suddenly, I came in contact with a room - the only room on that passage.

The door was locked and the window wasn't transparent.

I wonder why it was the only room on the passage. Could there be someone or something in?

Anyway, I guess its none of my business.

I tried walking away but uncannily, heard the door open.

I quickly turned and noticed the door was really open.

Huh? But why?

I stood at the entrance and peeped into the room.

It was just like a normal room - wide and beautiful with a bed and every other thing that's needed in a room.

But the only strange thing I saw in it was a coffin.
Yes, a coffin.

I looked around to be sure no one was coming. Then I took a step into the room.
This has always been my problem. I was too inquisitive.

But, somehow, it was as if a strange force was pushing me in.

I sauntered towards the coffin, taking slow and steady steps.

As I got closer, I noticed my heart was beating rapidly.

I finally got to it and discovered it was a transparent coffin.

Oh... my... God!

Tell me I'm dreaming.

What the heck???
Was this human???

It was an extremely young boy laying in the coffin - appearing to be dead.

Oh my God!

He was so Handsome - like the most handsome young man I'd ever seen.

What in the name of heavens??? How can someone be this cute??

Oh God! Is he dead?? What happened to him?

"How did you open the door?" I heard a strange voice ask and quickly turned in shock to see another cutie standing at the door.

Damn! Why's this building so filled with extremely handsome boys?

He stood at the entrance and stared at me with dark eyes.

Oh, Olivia. What have I gotten into? I should've stayed in the room.

"I asked a question. How did you open the door?" He asked again, his voice coming out more icy.

I skedaddle from the coffin immediately.

"I um...was just taking a look around and the door popped open on its own. You don't need to panic, I didn't take anything". I replied and faked a short nervous laugh.

He arched his brows as an in expressible look crept into his face.

"It's you" he muttered.
"You're the girl we've been searching for".


What's he talking about?
I need to get out of here.


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