🌹 the 🌹
( Taming His Stony Heart)
BY : Noel Innocent
Waking up little Betty cover her eyes from the light emitting from her windows, i couldn't get enough sleep due to how i kept running for that man, sitting up I slowly move to the bathroom, brush my teeth, shower, put on a red dress, tied a black ribbon around my hair before rushing downstairs
" wow, aren't you happy to go to school today " Brandon look into my eyes " how old are you again Betty "
" ten"
" good, no boys till you're thirty "Brandon voice has a hint of warning in them and mama just chuckle " by eighteen suitors will be visiting frequently " mama move from the kitchen arranging the table for breakfast " our Betty is a beautiful girl, you shouldn't be surprise Brandon "
" but mama I don't wish to get married that early " moving to the dining room I pull out a chair and seat " I want to have a job and be independent "
" what do you know about marriage and working Betty, you're just ten " papa mumble sitting down and opening his plate " what ever decision we make for you is better and right "
" what about Brandon"
" am a man Betty " he flash me his annoying white teeth " I get to choose when I get married " rolling my eyes I eat half of my food knowing I have to take some for that man in the woods
" mama can I take some food to school today"
" of course Betty, anything for you " smiling I rush to the kitchen, take enough food, grab my bag from the living room and head out of the house
" Betty, wait up !!!" Eliza yell behind me, she rush up to my side gasping " what are you up to, that's the way to the school not there " I nod at my only friend then pull her close for a secret
" I met a huge man in that forest, he was injured and I think he needs food" Eliza eyes fill with curiosity as I show her the necklace round my neck " he gave me this has thanks "
" that will cost a lot Betty" Eliza gasp " hurry up, let meet this man" giggling she run into the forest so did i, taking our time in exploring the whole place but when we arrive where I saw him last he isn't here anymore but my blanket and pillow remain there " he left " I mumble and Eliza pick up my belongings
" well, looks like he found help Betty " looking at Eliza I pout my lips " I know, you took a lot of food for him "
" I should drop it here for any animal that need it " Eliza nod and I did just that " let's go, we must be late already "
" yes but I can't help but wonder, what if this stranger you met is a vampire, came here to see if dream walkers still exist to steal our life force" Eliza mumble, and I shake my head " you know mama always talk about these vampires and wolfs just for us to stay away from the forest right and why will they want our life force "
" yes, you're right Betty, must be a lonely human, let's hurry " moving out of the forest, screams caught our attention " what's happening?? " Eliza run and I had to run after her, my heart beating fast
Arriving in the village, smoke is everywhere, people running with fire all over their body, some dead on the floor, running back home, the door is already open, blood everywhere, mama is laying on the couch while papa on the floor
Walking in I couldn't scream, tears flow from my eyes, my body trembling, finding it hard to breath I gasp, still feeling terrified by the whole thing happening
Little bunny hop towards me, lifting the rabbit in my arms I move out of the house, tall men putting on red are everywhere sinking their teeth into the villagers body, killing them
I watch Eliza being killed, her head pull out of her body, the killer turn and his gaze met mine but by then I already run towards the forest, night creatures do exist, they killed my family, everybody in my life
Missing a step I fall my hand hitting a branch and dislocating " Ahhhh" I scream before covering my mouth, it hurt so much, tears flow from my eyes
" she ran into here"
" she look so fresh, her blood must be delicious "
Hearing their voice I tried standing to my feet and continue running, bunny remain in my arms safe, I will do anything to keep him safe but before I could jump another branch a hand grab my hair and pull me back, my head hitting a tree
Turning to face them I begged " don't hurt him" holding bunny tight they giggle loudly " we won't hurt him little one, just you, we want to hurt you "
" but why" I cried, my hand hurt a lot " mama said killing is a sin and you will go to hell "
" but we are already in hell" the one with red eyes bend down and look at me smiling " why don't you let me take a little sip of your life force and go "
" but then I will die " I cried more " I don't want to die " he hold my chin and made me look at him " you're special little one and your blood will do me a great favour, your life force will benefit me " if I have learnt anything in my whole life is that when someone lick his lip mean whatever he is about to taste is delicious
He lean close to bite my neck but stop mid way, it look like he is struggling to come closer but couldn't " the amethyst, who gave you that necklace " the man growl at my face and I flinch, more tears flowing from my eyes " grab her, we will find a way to take off that damn necklace off her body" a huge man move towards me, grabbing me by the hair, I scream in pain before he use his hands and knock me out
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