🌹 the 🌹
( Taming His Stony Heart)
BY : Noel Innocent
Chapter Seventeen: THE OTHER WOMAN
" my what is huge??" Verdun asked after listening to her little confession even though he is still in his boxers and also sure that she won't be repeating that anymore, her face already flushed down to her neck " are you talking about this " moving my hands to my cock i gather it in my hands, those green eyes widen from surprise and the next think happening is her throwing stones, fucking stones at me
" you stupid pervert " she yell and I keep dodging it and within five minutes I grab her wrist, lift her up and throw her into the river " oh my god, this is cold!!!" She yell shivering, my gaze move to her face, she look so fucking angry that its fun but then I have to leave this place
" get out of the water " I groan putting on my trouser " we have to get back on the road amor "
" I didn't ask you to throw me in!" She try stepping out but on her way she still fall back into it and once again complaining about the cold
" so silly " I mumble grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the river " take off your cloth" the moment the words left my mouth she practically run twenty step away from me shaking her head " you're going to die from cold "
" I won't " she grunt and am getting annoyed, how stubborn can one get. Shaking my head I put on my shirt, run my hands through my hair then move to the horse, untie it, climb on it then look at Betty approaching, her hands robbing her arms while her lips shiver
The sun is going down and then the night is always cold, the road to malgar is really far, I will like to see how she get there without falling sick " hurry up, you're trekking "
Yawning I look at my side, we have been walking for almost five hours, she look so pale, cold and stubborn " are you going to take off your clothes now??" She shake her head and that did it for me, getting off the horse I stupidly forgot to tie the horse and it ran off, not that I can't chase it and catch up with it but I have a stubborn annoying creature to attend to
" come here " holding her hand she tried struggling but I didn't let her win, gripping her clothes apart my gaze move back to her face which is so red now and I know she is about to scream " don't you dare amor " taking off my shirt I hand it over to her " take off your bra and panties, they are wet " she open her mouth to object but I beat her to it " you very well know I can help you with it, if you object "
" you're so bossy " she frown and I giggle feeling a little weight leave my body, it have really been a long time I laugh this way, it have really been centuries
" am more bossy in bed amor " winking at her she tried her best not to blush but she still did while been angry at the same time which look sexy " oh you can be bossy but not with me, turn around " obeying her I remain still, so still that my eyes move fast and I know something is wrong, its late, this is not my territory, I know they are about to attack
" hurry up amor "
" don't rush me" she groan
" time up " turning towards her direction I grab her hand throw her over my shoulder then run, am not usually fast in my human form, this is really bad time for those bastards to show up and I don't need amor seeing me kill anyone else
" what's happening?? " she yell, her heart beating fast, stopping in one of the villages within my territory I drop her down, she place her hands on her chest trying to catch her breath while I turn around looking at the red pack wolves
" no longer in your territory " I frown when one of them turn human looking very much angry " you are breaking rules Verdun, you might be among the Dawson brothers but that doesn't mean we can't teach you a lesson "
" I will very much like to see you teach me a lesson bronze or maybe I might be the one putting you in your place " stepping back into their territory I watch anger creep into their fave but I didn't bulge
" your father will hear of this"
Betty remain still and watch them argue about boundaries and territory, the man with the red hair look more annoyed and am left surprised that Verdun have a father, I mean everybody has a father, am just shock that Verdun father is still alive " what just happened??? " Verdun turn looking at me but quite
" something that shouldn't concern you " I watch him place his hand on his right ear, he remain quite for a long time that am starting to think something is wrong, so wrong " take her to my home " when he finally speak I turn around to meet a man with blond hair,dark blue eyes staring down at me " milady, call me Nolan...alpha Verdun omega" nodding he lead me into a carriage and out of the little village we were standing
Verdun remain there, shirtless and looking buried in thoughts, why am I even worried about him, all these would have make sense if he marry me, why won't he marry me!
I can cook, I can do anything he want and am sure I will be good in bed, I have read so much about reproduction in biology and novels, how to satisfy men, is not really hard
" are you okay??" Looking up at Nolan I nod my head and he smile " good because being our Luna, you have to always understand when alpha have a change of mood, its full moon"
" full moon??" Looking out the window I watch Nolan nod " yes full moon " and then he stop speaking, is this full moon of a thing suppose to fix something am missing
" its full moon, so what??"
" he gets aggressive when its full moon " Nolan furrow his brows " being his mate you should feel that too, I mean he have mark you right " shaking my head Nolan nod " I see"
" you see what???" This conversation is something I wish to know about, I want to know more
" I see nothing, absolutely nothing...well except your face and this huge shirt you are putting on which make you look " he place his hand under his chin thinking " weird, yes weird and then your hair is so messy, you don't look like a noble daughter at all plus...." Before he could continue I lift my hands up out of embarrassment, my face red
" I get you, you see me"
" exactly "
Arriving in malgar I watch where Verdun call a home, it look so huge, they must be servants somewhere in there, I have heard about malgar before but alpha Verdun isn't the lord here, its lord Trevor who rules the state affairs so why is Verdun house more huge compare to lord Trevor
Getting off the carriage I walk behind Nolan, we move inside, move upstairs and I was certain I will stay in Verdun room waiting for him but instead he take me somewhere else " the room next to yours is Verdun's, you will be staying in here as to his orders " I didn't mean to ask but I did
" he doesn't share room with his mistress?? "
Nolan nod his head " he doesn't, he prefer to sleep alone not to be disturbed with woman needs of cuddling "
" oh "
Nolan nod " take some rest milady, tomorrow a tailor will come here and take your size before bringing clothes for you " nodding I move inside the room and shut the door, looking around the whole place I feel more alone, usually Elinor is always with me
Sitting on the bed I look at the empty room, only a bed and a closet is placed in here, tomorrow I might put some flowers and other things
Standing up I sniff Verdun cloth, inhaling his scent, I do know I like him, I like him a lot but it hurts that he sees me as only a mistress not a wife, someone to just have sex with then dump
Someone might ask if I love him but my answer will be no, I do like him but like is far different from love, being in love with someone means you can't stay away from each other but right now I want to run away from Verdun, maybe because he doesn't see me how I want him to
Moving to the window I look out of my room, the whole place dark and quite, night really come fast, it haven't been Long I wake up, haven't been long Verdun found me, maybe I like him smiling at me but I hate him sometimes too
I have to get rid of this feeling before it grow into something horrible because Verdun will always want me has his mistress not a wife, not someone to share thoughts with even when am his mate, I heard being a lycan mate will make that lycan want to always be with you, they always seem to get married swiftly but then Verdun is something else
Maybe am not his mate, is just Nolan thinking
The gates open to reveal Verdun stepping in, he look so angry that I know something is wrong but then my worry fly away when a woman step in next, she has long brown hair, blue eyes
She rush to Verdun then intertwine her hands with his and to my surprise he didn't flinch nor did he push her away instead he smile down at her
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