Under the Moonlight Chapter 12


🌹 the 🌹


( Taming His Stony Heart)

BY : Noel Innocent


Chapter Twelve: BIRTHDAY PARTY 2

                   " are you being serious " Betty growl while Elinor shoot glare to Jamie " do you have any idea how hard it took us to draw a perfect picture of Gondor?? We were almost caught " 

" Betty, twenty silver coins is a huge money, what made you think I can afford that " hearing Jamie voice I hand the picture to Elinor, place my hands on my hip then face her properly " look Betty calm down, you must think because my dad is a noble that I can afford this but my allowance isn't up to that " 

" then you don't need the picture " turning around we walk away ignoring her completely " how dare she, who will take this picture now " being completely confused we walk slowly to our home, some people may call it a mansion 

" you will be meeting lord Norman this evening, how do you feel about this" Elinor ask and I look at her, she still feel sorry towards me " look I know you have told me that you are fine with this arrangement but I can't help to worry about you " 

" don't worry Elinor, I will be fine, everything will be okay and fine " smiling I look down at my wrist watch, almost six, the birthday party is by six and mama have no idea where we are...Elinor gaze met mine, her eyes widen when she stare at the watch " hurry " lifting our dress up we run, run with all the strength we have 

Dropping the picture down I look at her " the window, we have to dress before mama notice we are gone " climbing through the window, we both step in, lock the door and window before discarding the dresses we are putting on

We both Finish from the bathroom the same time, I pick up a blue dress, a plain blue dress that hug all the curves in my body. My first instinct is to lift my hair in a ponytail but alpha Verdun words came back to me, he did say I look pretty with my hair lose down 

Picking up a blue hair ribbon I tie it in my hair at the back before looking at Elinor, she pick up a gold coloured dress, same body hugging quality but her hair is in a messy bum " wow, we are fast " hearing sound of carriage we move to the window, different people from nobles family are arriving " lip gloss" we both mumble, giggle then apply them on our lips 

" Elinor, Betty " hearing Elinor's mother voice we rush to the door and open it gently " you girls are look stunning " watching her smile I just couldn't help but to smile " everyone is waiting downstairs for the birthday celebrants, my two lovely daughter " mama kiss our forehead " come, let me escort you girls down" 

" okay mama " 

Stepping down the stairs, a bright light land on our body, every bodies gaze on us as we land gracefully " you are looking stunning Betty " lord Trevor kiss my hand the moment we step into the crowd  

" you don't need to flatter me your grace " I mumble giving him one of my best fake smiles, his brown hair neatly comb, his green eyes fill with lust, a lust I have always notice he has for me " if you will excuse me lord Trevor, I have to find my future companion " pulling my hand from his, I watch his face turn to a frown 

" I thought Elinor was the one getting engaged " 

" I believe not my lord " I smile " surely that must have been a rumor, rumors aren't always true " 

" hmmm, you're right Betty " his lips tighten " who is this lucky bastard that have steal you away from me??" 

" I believe its lord Norman " I mumble my gaze moving through the crowd " do you think he have arrived??" 

" of course not" 

" excuse then " moving away from him, mama hold my hand out of nowhere " come Betty, is time to meet your future companion " nodding my head she pull me to where papa is standing, a man next to him with black hair, pale pink lips, red eyes...those eyes made me to stop moving, vampires only have red eyes

Is he??

" Betty are you okay " hearing Elinor voice behind me I nod, this is for my sister..moving towards him, he lift my hand to his lips and kiss it but all I feel is irritation with him " my lord " I mumble faking another smile 

" you look stunning just like your picture my lady " Norman smile, flashing those white teeth 

" will you permit me to go to the ladies room" I pull my hands from him " will be back in a second" smiling I fasten my step to bathroom on the second floor, closing the door I could finally breath 

" you can do this Betty, you will grow to like him, you will bear his children and will love him " I mumble washing my hands and exhaling " this is for my sister, she needs to find her true love "

" how pathetic " hearing that voice I quickly turn around, my gaze land on Verdun, how did he get in here, I didn't hear the door open and why is he even here 

" no body invited you to this party " I growl getting angry for no reason " I don't want you here " 

" but you want Norman here??" He step closer and I step back " you prefer him to me??" 

" yes" my voice came out shaken when I hit the cold wall, he look down at me, his eyes seem to be locked away, hiding something, something that I will not like to know " I do not want you to marry him " 

" why not"

" you belong to me!!" He growl holding my chin and forcing me to look at him " you should smile only to me no one else and what's with this seductive dress" 

" you don't like it??" The words came out before I could stop myself, biting my lower lip I look at him, he isn't smiling, those blue eyes travel from my lips to my eyes, my eyes back to my lips " I love the dress but I hate when those pricks look at you like you're still in the market"

" am not??" Furrowing my brows at him he growl even more, like am pissing him off " how many times should I tell you that you belong to me amor" before I could argue his hands move to my waist and my face turn to a frown 

" what are you doing??" 

" I want to kiss you " when he mumble that I could feel my face heat up, why do he make me feel like this

" I don't approve "

" am not asking " I open my mouth to argue only for his lips to land on mine.



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